pyramid_resourceful +++++++++++++++++++ Overview ======== `pyramid_resourceful` is a somewhat-opinionated toolkit for building resourceful Web services and applications on top of the Pyramid framework. Resources ========= Resources focus on the data/logic of your business domain. They are implemented as classes with methods like ``get``, ``post``, etc corresponding to HTTP methods. They must also have an ``__init__`` method that accepts the current request as the first argument. Here's a basic example:: # A mock "database" ITEMS = [ {"id": 1, "name": "one"}, {"id": 2, "name": "two"}, ] class ContainerResource: def __init__(self, request): self.request = request def get(self): """Get all items.""" return ITEMS def post(self): """Add a new item.""" ITEMS.append({ "id": max(item["id"] for item in ITEMS) + 1, "name": self.request.POST["name"], }) return ITEMS class ItemResource: def __init__(self, request): self.request = request def get(self): """Get item.""" return ITEMS[self.request.matchdict["id"]] def put(self): """Update item.""" item = ITEMS[self.request.matchdict["id"]] item["name"] = self.request.POST["name"] return item Routes ====== A Pyramid configuration directive is provided that generates all the routes and views for a resource:: config.add_resource(ContainerResource, name="items") config.add_resource(ItemResource, name="item", segments="{id}") This will configure the following routes and views, which will return JSON by default: =========== ========== ========== =========== ======================== HTTP Method Route Name Route Path View Method Resource Method =========== ========== ========== =========== ======================== GET items /items get() ContainerResource.get() POST items /items post() GET item /item/{id} get() ItemResource.get() PUT item /item/{id} put() ItemResource.put() =========== ========== ========== =========== ======================== Note that only the methods that are present on the resource are routed. To render HTML or JSON depending on what the request accepts:: config.add_resource( ContainerResource, name="items", renderers=["items.jinja2", "json"], ) The HTML version of the resource can be retrieved using the URLs ``/items`` and ``/items.html``. The JSON version can be retrieved using the URL ``/items.json`` *or* ``/items`` with the ``Accept`` header set to ``application/json``. Views ===== Views focus on the web aspects of interacting with a resource. They don't contain any business logic. Like resources, views are implemented as classes with methods like ``get``, ``post``, etc corresponding to HTTP methods. In a typical scenario, you'll only need to define your resource classes and ``pyramid_resourceful`` will handle the view layer for you in a standard way (see :class:`pyramid_resourceful.view.ResourceView`). SQLAlchemy ========== :class:`pyramid_resourceful.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyContainerResource` and :class:`pyramid_resourceful.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyItemResource` are provided as a starting point for building database-backed resources using SQLAlchemy ORM classes. See `examples/`_ for a self-contained, runnable example. .. _examples/ More Info ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`